November 25, 2022

What an exciting week, on Wednesday many students met in the gym to watch the historic Canada World Cup Game during our lunch hour. It was so great to see such excitment and joy with all the cheering. 

Thank you to all that came to conferences on Thursday and Friday. If you were unable to make an appointment and want to set up a phone call or separate meeting please email me and we can arrange something. 

Our student teacher Ms. Brown have been teaching Math, Phys Ed and Science. 

In grade 5 math we are finishing up with division and will do some review and space and shape the next few weeks. Please have your child practice their multiplication facts at home if they are still unsure of them. Lots still struggle with their 7's and 9's. Here's a link to a practice site to make it more difficult you can push the question mark and select different decks. In grade 6 math, they have been working on dividing with decimals. 

We started Sky Science, students have been looking at what things emit in space as well as made constelations and learnt their Greek and Indigenous stories. Encourage your child to look at the night sky and see what they notice. 

In Social we are continuing to learn about Ancient Athens and how democracy was started there. Students are learning about the different roles in society (citizens, Metics & slaves) as well as how the government worked.

Homework: Some students are a bit behind on their fairy tales, we will be working on editing and revising next week. Please have your child try and finish their fairy tale over the weekend if they can. 

We still need some volunteers for our week long residency at Arts Commons from January 23-26th. Here's the link to our sign up

Upcoming dates Spirit Days:

December 1 (Thursday) Wear Red for Canada! 
December 19 (Monday) Merry Monday- Wear your coolest toque
December 20 (Tuesday) Tinsel Toes Tuesday- Wear your craziest socks
December 21 (Wednesday)Winter Wonderland Wednesday- Wear white and blue to hope for a snowy winter break
December 22 (Thursday) Twas the night before winter break- PJ Day


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